Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And suddenly, Slendermen. Hundreds of them

Calgary would be a good home for such a beast

Trees everywhere in the city (some on top of four-five story buildings - I'll try to take a picture next time)

Honestly, there isn't a spot in Calgary without at LEAST one tree

Which reminds me of something

Once I took a photo of a tree outside the university and badly shopped Slendy in

People were freaked

Not by the shop though. There was an unnaturally tall man in black in the corner of the photo

I should try posting it the time after next

Yeah, I'm making another Illusorian entry soon

See you then, and don't be afraid to comment!


  1. I couldn't help but laugh at the title of this entry. I don't know why, but it makes me giggle a little xD

    Trees trees everywhere!

  2. Well, I guess it would be amusing. Like if they were having a company picnic XD

  3. Company of Slender Men? I can see it now, they'll have the top production line of all things abnormal xD And sell mini Slendies to put on your lawn! You'll have to best lawn gnomes in the neighborhood!

    (kinda rambling here xD )

  4. Mind you, the mini Slendy's WOULD attract weird masked men :P
