Tuesday, May 10, 2011

God Dammit Paul

I'm so jumpy lately after that scare. I keep seeing things and feeling like I'm being watched

I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY! You fucking freak, you made me paranoid!

...Ok, partially my fault that I keep reading Slenderblogs, but still!

I mean, god, I played Minecraft and mistook a piece of lint on the screen as Tall and Not So Handsome watching me from an area of my castle!

Speaking of Tall and Gruesome, I took another picture of the Hallowed Mountains drawing. That symbol appeared again. Simon knows how to make apps, so I'm thinking that the prick swapped my Camera Plus app with one that would embed a crappy operator symbol on the image. No idea how it is so clear after shrinking or how he made it only show up when I take a picture of the mountains, but he did it, I just know it

Now excuse me while I continue to jump at my own shadow. The next update should be the first of my Cryscon shown on this blog, along with a write up!

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