Sunday, June 05, 2011

I said the next post should be a Bestiary, but this is urgent

Paul left about an hour after the post earlier

...And came back in after 30 minutes,looking beaten and bruised

After a while, I coaxed the story out of him. Turns out the stalker was waiting for him

Now, there is something you should know about Paul:

He is hot headed and takes his problems head on

He apparently confronted the guy and when he wouldn't answer, he started to attack the guy, only to get the crap beaten out of him

Paul again. HELL that guy was tough! And I know what you're going to say, "A tall bald man in a business suit beat you up and wouldn't speak!? Hah! Slenderman! I knew it!". You'd be wrong. And a jackass. A big, wrong jackass. After all, the guy had a face. Blue eyes, a crooked nose, and a perverted little smile that I wanted to wipe off his face so badly.

Weird thing is, when he was beating me, it did look like his face... How do I put it... Blurred. Like if it was an illusion.

Of a man!

You took the keyboard from me to make THAT lame pun!?


...I hate you sometimes. Anyways, the guy was fast, strong, and next time he'll get a face full of my knife! This baby has a silver hilt and an iron blade. Let's see him shrug THAT off!

$20 says he kicks the crap out of you again

$20 says if you don't shut up soon I'll kick the crap out of you.

Shutting up now

Now, where was I? Oh yes, talking about how I'll kill the guy next time.

See what I mean? Hot headed

If you're curious, some of that dialogue was transcribed as we argued. I wanted you guys to know what Paul is like. Sadly, he took out the part about strangling me with my own intestines if I didn't stop transcribing :( Oh well

Next time, I'll show you a new creature

Until then,


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