Friday, June 10, 2011

Paul and Tall Guy - Round 2!

Paul came over roughed up, but smiling

He kicked the guy's ass this time. Good for him!

Something is bothering me though

He did this in the park ten minutes away

Five minutes before he came I saw a tall, bald man in a suit across the street. Only a glimpse though, so I didn't see his face

If Paul beat up his stalker... Then who the fuck did I see?


  1. Another tall, bald suited guy? There's a bunch of them around. There's a few that work at the Federal Courthouse across the street form my house :P

    Or he could of gotten the wrong guy?

    Or could it be.... The Slender Man :O hahaha

  2. Hahah. Yeah, the Slenderman. Good one

    Paul seemed a little edgy about your comment, however

  3. Well, he seemed... I don't know. Normally he would laugh it off, but he seemed very serious about it

    Guess the guy beating him up the first time still has him freaked out

  4. Ah, well then, I apologize for bringing up any unwanted emotions/thoughts/etc.. Was not my intention :P

  5. It's fine. He's a tough guy, so he'll get over it
